Your satisfaction is our utmost priority. It is important to us that each of our translations reflects exactly what you want to convey.
That is why all our translation services and work processes follow strict and meticulously developed quality standards.
These include, among others:
• Project preparation and supervision by trained project managers
• Translation and editing by qualified native speakers only
• Use of modern translation assistance systems (CAT tools) that minimise human error
• Manual and software-supported final checks of all translations (spelling, numbers, completeness etc.)
• Regular training and education of our employees
Passion for the profession
VERBA is personally managed by its owners. Both Vanja Keindl (Managing Director, VERBA Centar d.o.o.) and Luciano Lykkebo (Managing Director, VERBA Translation ApS) are trained linguists and attach great importance to a professionally competent and equally passionate team. These are the values that have driven Verba’s success for decades.
For us, the following principles are of the highest importance:
• Smooth realisation of translation projects according to your expectations and requests
• Personal and direct connection to you as a customer
• Strengthening of operational productivity for corporate sustainability